OFN is a platform for those who make ophthalmic images: from fundusphotography to ultrawidefield angiography and from OCT to slitlamp photography. The main purpose of OFN is founded is to share knowledge and to bring ophthalmic imaging in the Netherlands to the highest level possible.
OFN tries to reach it's purposes by organising symposia for its members as well as non-members. Speakers famous in the field, ophthalmologists and photographers give instructive and inspiring presentations. For those who would like to further specialize themselves, there are instruction days (usually Saturdays) where you can take courses in fundusphotography, fluorescence angiography, autofluerescence and OCT, provided by experienced instructors. Furthermore, there is the possibility of theme-meetings on request. For example, in May 2015 there will be a workshop stereophotography.
Another important aspect of OFN is providing a social meeting place. OFN is the perfect way to exchange experiences with colleagues! Almost every symposium is ended with a social drink and there is the opportunity to go out to dinner together afterwards. Beside all these gatherings, the members are being informed by frequent newsletters.
Abstract submission
Scientific papers from ICOP attendees have been the backbone of ICOP meetings since 1986, and we are excited to see what ICOP 2022 has in store. These presentations are an excellent way to share your knowledge, your experiences, and give other attendees a chance to learn how ophthalmic imaging is practiced around the world.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- De laatste dagen hebben we veel berichten ontvangen van sprekers en bezoekers van ICOP2020 over het niet meer kunnen bijwonen van het congres door het Coronavirus. Ook zijn we niet zeker van de ontwikkelingen in Nederland. Daarom hebben we de moeilijke beslissing moeten maken om het ICOP-congres te verplaatsen naar 2023. In afstemming met onze internationale collega's is besloten om het evenement te verplaatsen naar 14-16 april 2023 De locatie, het S.S. Rotterdam, blijft ongewijzigd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In recent days we have received many messages from speakers and visitors of ICOP2021 about the failure to attend the congress due to the Coronavirus. We are also not sure about developments in the Netherlands. That's why we had to make the difficult decision to move the ICOP Congress to 2023. In coordination with our international colleagues it has been decided to move the event to April 14-16 2023. The location, the S.S. Rotterdam, remains unchanged. Info: www.icop2023.org
Newsletter: Patricia van Hilten, Wil Barkmeijer, Gerard de Graaf, Frank Smolders, Jeroen Grimbergen, Hanneke Klingenberg Symposium: Patricia van Hilten, Gerard de Graaf, Wil Barkmeijer, Frank Smolders, Jeroen Grimbergen, Hanneke Klingenberg Public Relations: Patricia van Hilten Webmaster: René Kipp, Wil Barkmeijer Workshops: Patricia van Hilten, Gerard de Graaf, Wil Barkmeijer